This is a full emulation of a computer from the 1980s - the BBC Microcomputer. Over 60 games have been compressed to fit them into the project. You can import any BBC Micro game disk image from the internet (using the RokCoder link). You can even make and save your own programs in BBC Basic or 6502 assembly language from within the project! Read more <a href=''></a>
Fidget Trading Card Toy
Slinky Sort Puzzle
Nugget Seeker Adventure
4color swipe
Dino Simulator City Attack
Attack Alien Moon
Merge Battle Tactics
Smashy Bird
ASMR Washing Fixing
Buddy and Friends Hill Climb
Mutant Assassin 3D
Cell Escape
Top Notch Trivia
BFF Summer Shine Look
Mom And Taylor Washing Clothes
Halloween Match Story
Goodnight My Baby
Pop Drag
Mini Boxing
World in Danger Earth Attack
Counter Craft: Battle Royale
Merge Crypto 2048 Puzzle
Football Penalty
Starlight Quest
Fling Knight
Hole Io 2
The wizard Elion
Skibronx Runner
Castle Crusade